Glaucoma Care

Glaucoma is a disease where the optic nerve is stretched due to raised intraocular pressure, leading to visual field defects and ultimately visual loss. There are different varieties of glaucoma and it is known to be hereditary i.e. runs in families. Once your doctor has a suspicion of glaucoma, you will undergo the following:

  • Intraocular pressure measurement
  • Gonioscopy – a test to determine whether you have angle closure or open angle glaucoma.
  • Optic nerve examination – to determine the degree of optic nerve stretching.
  • Scans – OCT scan of the optic disc and surrounding structures i.e. retinal nerve fibre layer and ganglion cell layer thickness
  • Visual field analysis to detect peripheral visual field defects

Once the results of all these tests are in, your doctor will discuss the type of glaucoma you have and will suggest appropriate treatment. Treatment usually starts with eye drops to reduce and control the intraocular pressure or in the form of a laser treatment to improve drainage of fluid from within the eye. Surgical treatment may be required further in the course of follow up. Remember, glaucoma is a very slowly worsening disease and requires life long treatment and follow up.